Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mario Kart Wii Bloggers: Separation in between faith and school/state

I support separating school and faith because saying "god made the world." when you're trying to become a scientist, isn't going to work out for you. Children need more explanation then "God made the world." when they learn. I have no problem if a school will take 15 minutes to pray in the gym or anything like that, but I do have a probably if for Geography or History they teach you that god choose this because..., or god was angry so did this... No I don't find that appropriate for people. You might get angry at me for saying this, but that is fine. A child deserves the best education to be productive enough in the future. The school systems aren't straight or right, but they have their ups and downs like everything in life. Sorry for the short post, and sorry if I offended you in anyway.


  1. I am a strong proponent of school choice. Personally, I think parents and students should be able to go to a school that promotes religious values. That's their right. Who am I to judge? Who am I to force something onto someone else if it isn't harming someone else?

    In that same respect, schools should also be able to choose to keep religion out completely, which is probably going to be the most common choice because forcing religious values on someone in, say, a public school is going to cause a lot of problems. When you go to a private school that chooses to promote religious values, you are the one who made that decision, and no one is forcing anything on you.

    You have legitimate concerns, and I once felt the exact same way you did, so I don't blame you, and I am not going to tell you what to believe.

    Nice post. Keep up the good work, and I hope to read more of your work soon.

  2. If schools want to teach about religion, that's fine, but they should do that in subjects such as religious studies and philosophy.

    This subject has no place in scientific-based subjects, however. Politically correct schools can mention that, apart from the scientific theory on subjects such as evolution and the universe, there are other opinions out there. Teaching creationism in science class, however, is about as logical as teaching math in poetry class.

  3. Schools should be able to teach whatever the fuck they want. The government has no right to force a particular curriculum on a school.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My post was @ Iain, but I have no idea why I swore at him. I'm sorry, Iain. :(
